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Usage of ComfyCommons.jl


Get into the package administration mode of the Julia REPL (v0.7 and higher) by typing a closing square bracket ]. Add the package from the Git repository:

(v0.7) pkg> add

Project-specific Initialization

ComfyCommons can import all modules contained in a directory. This is helpful in projects which consist of multiple, loosely coupled modules. You may paste the following code into the _init.jl file of your project:

import ComfyCommons

# include all modules from the project's source folder

You can also tell importdir to work recursively, or to include only specified modules.


By default, Julia does not log time stamps and process IDs, which is relevant information particularly in distributed applications.

ComfyCommons provides a custom logger type which prints these informations in the message headers. Make this logger the default:



The sub-module ComfyCommons.Git retrieves basic information about Git repositories inside any current working directory.

You should store this information in generated files (experimental results, plots, …) to keep track of how they have been generated.


ComfyCommons.Yaml is used to manipulate YAML configuration files.


ComfyCommons.Pgfplots enhances LaTeX plot exports by overriding some internals of the PGFPlots package.

Further Documentation

The documentation of all functions is accessible from the Julia REPL. Type a question mark to get into the help mode, followed by a function name:

julia> using ComfyCommons
help?> ComfyCommons.Imports.importdir